Thursday, December 25, 2008

Finals/ Vegas Bowl Game

Figured I'd create a blog since im pathetic at emailing my family.

Finals went horribly. Since we had the bowl game i had to fit them in four days which wasn't bad but im a procrastinator. I decided to pull an all-nighter before the bowl game to complete my religion final which was online. Around 3:45 while I was taking the test my internet cut out and i was blocked from finishing the test. This was after answering about 20 questions out of 80. Frantically i emailed all people possible and sat and waited frantically not being able to sleep.

I then packed and tried to ignore the fact that my grades were currently hanging in mid air. I arrived early to the busses to take us to vegas. My friends convinced me to take a pic with one of the bus drivers who had an amazing full fur coat on. I haven't smelled that much smoke on anyone in a long time.

The bus ride was super long. We watched Dark Night on the way up, which i fell asleep during ( it was only my 4th time seeing it).

We arrived where we hung out for a while, got settled in with all our band stuff. Then Z and I went to go see Stomp which was freaking ridiculous. Ill have more pics of that soon. I wish we could all understand the workings of rhythm as well as these performers. They used pots, pans, sinks, dishwater, soap, plungers, brooms, newspapers, cards, bags, fruit, cups, straws, cupboards, fridges, bowls, water, tubing, baketballs, boxes w/ sand, etc.

The band stayed in Planet Hollywood. The them of the baritone girls room was an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie. Above our bed was a pic with guns pointing at us. It was quite calm and peaceful (sarcasm intended).We went the next day to play at a pep rally, but it was one of those things that you have to hurry up and wait. So while we were waiting we entertained ourselves by socializing with the other band and building a human pyramid.

We then had went to have our last practice of the season. Below is a picture of half our section and our fearless leader MD, who was also was featured in the Vegas Newspaper for a danceoff she did with a kid from the other band. She did amazingly well and much better than the other guy, but their crowd was quite a bit louder

Z, MD, and I then had a past band friend bring us deep fried twinkies, possibly the most unhealthiest thing one person could eat. We also ended up getting powder all over the floor of the hotel.

Well i should probably cut this short as it is fairly long now. MD, Z, B, and I went to eat at a burger place after watching some piano duelers.

We then continued onto the game where it became not as exciting. We ended up losing to Arizona, but at least i know we dance better than them.

I might put more pics of Vegas up later but for now im out.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you had an AWESOME time!! I'm so jealous you got to see STOMP! I've watched some internet clips, and done some rhythm stuff with church and my own kids based on them; it's a LOT of fun!
    BTW - awesome pic of you with the bus driver! ;-)
