Thursday, January 22, 2009


So, I went to the health center after a week of not feeling the best and discovered that its not just a feeling and that I am actually sick. I have had to skip 2 classes of music theory (a quiz and 2 assignments), piano proficiency, dictation (a test day), mission prep, private lessons, and sight singing. This is positively ridiculous. I feel like i have more work to make up than was probably assigned. grrr. Now I know we grew up as kids who when your sick you push through and go to school but to skip this many classes is insane. The drugs make me feel great so i feel i could probably go but the doctor signed me off for 6 days (of which i am taking 3). The other factor is i am going to be missing wind symphony. A class i never EVER miss, but apparently i must. anyway just figured id rant and rave a little. I personally think ill be fine by friday night but i guess well see.

oh and by the way jon this definentaly breaks my new years resolution of not missing more than 5 classes.


  1. Me in my 'mommy' moment: Take care of yourself, eat well, get good sleep,... go buy some OJ and chicken noodle soup. I LOVE you!! hope you feel well soon!

  2. Hope you feel better! And the resolution only counts for times you choose to skip, not when you are told to not go by a doctor. :)
